Music Go Round St. Louis Makes Dollars and Sense
Economy. Economy. Economy.
It’s a daunting word. It’s good and it’s bad. Quite literally. And changing constantly.
One of the credos of Music Go Round St. Louis is to limit the effect the economy has on the ability for people to embrace creating music. Yes, there is a percentage of the populace that doesn’t sweat the economy. But, the majority – ourselves included – need to take heed to the force of the almighty dollar.
That’s where we come in…
Like driving the car off the lot, most musical instruments depreciate as they leave the showroom. Some instruments are instant heirlooms and have enough high-end construction value that they appreciate – but until something is ‘vintage’ AND adored by the masses or promoted by an artist – most pieces are tools. Tools we love, yes. Tools we cherish, yes. But, musical tools nonetheless – and as such those tools should be able to be used by the masses, without taking a second mortgage or selling your first born.
We believe there are great low-cost brands, and great deals to be had when someone else has taken the depreciation hit for you on brands and models at all value points. This is our wheel house. $200 becomes $100. $5000 becomes $3000. At both ends of the fiscal spectrum our buying power and repurposing of loved instruments allows you to save, learn and create. That’s a beautiful thing.
We have people buy from us who tell us things like “I’ve always wanted a Custom Shop Gibson Les Paul” but couldn’t afford a new one, or “my son really wants to learn guitar but $300 is just too much to test the waters.” We’ve solved both those equations – many times over – and hundreds/thousands more.
Save, Learn, Create – trade up, save again. How righteous is that?!
Music Go Round St. Louis makes YOU actual Dollars and Sense.