OK kiddies – get your heads out of the gutter. We are talking about our NEW STORE.
Our store is bigger! And if you missed the grand opening, you missed an AMAZING event. But that’s OK, we are here, willing and ready to shower you with the best gear your hard earned dollar can buy – at better than reasonable prices.
We have more guitars.
We have more amps.
We have more effects pedals.
We have more drums.
We have more basses.
We have more keyboards.
We have more pro audio.
We just have MORE!
And we are buying more!
We have more space for your unwanted gear. We have more space for you to trade your gear up to the pieces you want today.
Bring it all – bring it by the truckload – we will inspect it and make you an offer. If it’s broken beyond repair don’t bring it – but other than that we wanna see it – and there’s a good chance we want it!
Forget the Craigslist scams and the Reverb/eBay haggles.
Forget shipping!
Forget hidden fees.
We are upfront and we handle ALL the leg work.
So, help make our MORE even BIGGER. Cuz, “more is actually more”.
Bigger is boss, Bigger is better. And Music Go Round St. Louis is BIGGER!