There is a reason the most popular amplifier since the beginning of musical instrument amplification is the ‘combo’. If you’ve never thought about it – that’s ‘combination’ – the combination of an amplifier and speaker(s) in one box…
From glorious Fender Tweeds, to the Fender Brown’s and Blacks and crossing over to Magnatones (made right here in STL these days!), Gibson, Supro, Valco – these are the combos that fired up in the 50’s to support the weedily, twangy needs of our six string heroes and forebearers. Those are all still amazing – and the combo has grown up, modernized and diversified through the years.
They are convenient. One handle, one hand needed. The whole show in that hand.
They are versatile. From the old mainstays of clean headroom (great for pedal platforms) to built-in vintage effects like Reverb and Tremolo – the oldies cover the majority of what most people need.
They have modernized. These days, you can find multi-channel combos galore. And digital modeling has brought multiple sounds and effects to the venerable lil’ combo.
They are typically lightweight. Yes, there are plenty of exceptions – but for the most part, bereft of heft is a factor in design.
They are perfect for beginners and pros alike. And everywhere in between.
Stacks and half stacks are awesome. Big wattage heads are awesome. They just don’t fit in your car nor the venue as easy – unless you are rocking giant venues – yay you! (We got the goods for you too!)
The two most popular amps in the world – for years – the Blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb and the Blackface Fender Princeton Reverb… Both came out in their most loved state in 1964. That’s 60 years of good thinkin’ Leo. Simply amazing.
At MGR STL we have rows of combos – to fit every budget, virtually every volume and need. They’re lined up for you, awaiting just you and a cable.
Whether you are shopping online or coming in the store. Look ‘em up, plug ‘em up – and get your combo on