Congratulations on your decision to start learning the piano! This timeless instrument is always a crowd favorite with its ability to be used in almost every genre of music. Now the question is:
Is a digital piano or the traditional acoustic the best option for you?
Let us go over what each type entails:
Digital Pianos Are Beginner & Budget Friendly
If you’re just now learning piano, a digital piano can be the best option for you to practice on as they are rather beginner and budget friendly. On average, a digital piano can cost as low at $100—compared to a traditional acoustic stand up at an average of $2,000! Of course, it all depends on where you get your piano and if it’s new or used.
If you don’t have the room for a traditional piano in your living space, digital can also be the way to go as they can be easily taken down and stored.
Acoustic Pianos Can Produce Better Sound
The big draw to the traditional acoustic piano is their sound. Overall, acoustics can produce better sound than a digital as it’s being played “live”, and the sounds are not pre-recorded. In this case, the piano strikes a string with a small hammer, creating a warm, resonant tone.
Fun fact, the piano is considered both a string and percussion instrument!
Digital Pianos Require Less Maintenance
Unlike the regular maintenance an acoustic piano needs, a digital piano requires less maintenance overall. This is because unlike a traditional piano, the digital works by producing recordings of a piano and don’t require the strings and other inner workings to be maintained by a professional.
In this case, you simply may need the occasional change of a battery!
Acoustic Pianos Can Last A Lifetime
With the right maintenance, acoustic pianos can last a lifetime. Digital pianos may see a degradation over time in electronics as they age and may need to eventually be replaced.
Digital Pianos Have Additional Features
If you want to record your sessions, bring in other instrumental sounds, or adjust the volume at which you practice, a digital piano may be the best for you. If you live in a shared space like a dorm or apartment, having volume control (and the ability to plug in headphones) is essential in being able to practice without bothering others.
Acoustic Pianos Have Higher Touch Sensitivity
The acoustic piano is more touch-sensitive than a digital piano. This can be beneficial in that your fingers determine the strength and range of the sound to be produced. As opposed to a digital piano that can only produce the sounds it has pre-recorded.
Find Your Best Piano At Music Go Round St. Louis
Shopping for a piano—be it digital or acoustic—can be difficult if you don’t know where to start. At Music Go Round St. Louis, our team of professionals can help you find the best piano for you at a price that fits your budget.
For beginners, renting an instrument is more expensive overall than purchasing used. And when you become a more experienced player and are looking for an upgrade, Trading In or Trading Up at Music Go Round STL means you get a return on your investment and the price of your instrument goes towards trading for that must-have piece!
Get started on your musical journey at Music Go Round St. Louis!