At Music Go Round St. Louis, we pride ourselves on serving our communities and supporting local musicians, old and new. Selling your used guitars and equipment at local, reputable music retailers like Music Go Round St. Louis means you get the best deal for your gear.
Here are four reasons to support your local artists and community by selling at Music Go Round St. Louis:
Get The Best Offer On Your Used Guitars!
At Music Go Round St. Louis, you get the best offer on your used guitars and gear! Our team of experts will appraise your guitar and equipment for its fair market value, and you will get cash on the spot!
Trade-In Or Trade-Up At MGR-STL
Trading in or trading up allows you to return on your investment for cash or store credit. This means you can put that money towards a newer product that you have had your eyes on. Perfect for when you no longer play or want to try something new.
Selling Locally Encourages New Musicians
New musicians are often intimidated by a new guitar’s price, putting them off learning a new instrument. Selling your gear locally will keep costs on used guitars affordable for new musicians or musicians looking for an upgrade.
Purchasing a used guitar is a sounder financial choice than renting, as renting adds up over time. Plus, when musicians go to upgrade, they will not return on their investment as if they had bought used.
Selling At MGR STL Is Low-Risk
Selling your guitars at Music Go Round St. Louis is safe and low-risk. Trading sites like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist often have scams to watch out for, preventing you from getting the most out of your used gear. At Music Go Round St. Louis, our team of professionals will always be upfront and honest with you, professionally appraising your guitar for the best deal.