Boom Boom! Whole Lotta Drums! Are you a skin pounder, a snare master, a cymbal smasher or a groove engine? Or perhaps a tom-tom titan, a kick drum king, a rhythm wrangler or a hi-hat hero? We can do this all day... All you Percussion Poets need to know – Music Go Round St. Louis has a LARGE, and we mean LUH-ARGE selection of drums, drum kits, hardware, cymbals, snares, … [Read more...]
The Best Musical Instruments For Beginners
Playing an instrument gives musicians many benefits from improved memory, reduced stress, and time management skills. If you or your child wants to learn how to play an instrument, congratulations! The next step is finding the right instrument. Finding the best instrument can be filled with trial and error but it is essential that you don’t give up. At Music Go Round St. … [Read more...]
Are Drums Right for You?
Drums are known as the backbone of music providing a song’s driving force. This instrument truly holds the reigns of live performance controlling the tempo and volume of the band. Playing drums can be highly cathartic and a good workout- but is it right for you? Picking up the Sticks Drums are one of the easiest instruments to start learning and many professional drummers … [Read more...]
Music Go Round STL Favorite: Top Three Starter Drum Kits
So you have started drumming and need a new kit and a place to start. Even if you are entirely in the dark about what you need and where to start, there are many starter drum kits available to help get you started. Here are the top three starter drum kits that we think you’ll love: … [Read more...]
Highest Inventory Levels Ever Means It’s Time To Trade In & Trade Up!
We love finding new and interesting gear, and through some recent major acquisitions, we are sitting on our highest inventory of sweet instruments and equipment ever! Our shelves are overloaded with everything from electric guitars and amps to pro audio and drums, so if you’ve been thinking about upgrading, now is a great opportunity to find a new and interesting piece at Music … [Read more...]