We talk about guitars and drums and their associated gear quite a bit. But MGR STL also has an amazing selection of that other stage staple – the KEYBOARD! We often have high end pro rigs like Kurzweil, Roland, Hammond, Korg, Nord, etc. And we filter down to the best intermediate and beginner keyboards as well. All diligently and thoroughly tested and ready for you to learn, … [Read more...]
Your First Guitar !
It’s hard to describe the power of a first guitar. (Or any first instrument for that matter.) It is for many, a watershed moment. Joy, anticipation, admiration. So many emotions accompany a musical instrument. And the first one carries just a little more weight. When do you get a first guitar? That’s easy – NOW. If you are reading this – you are thinking about it. Whether for … [Read more...]
The Wonderful World of Acoustic Guitar
The box guitar. The one man band. The troubadour's weapon... The lovely and versatile acoustic guitar... It's many folks first foray into the world of guitar. And, it's many folks only choice. It's a staple. It holds its own and it enhances. It is the sound and voice of many a great tune. It is virtuosic or simple. It is subtle and powerful. We could go on forever... But, for … [Read more...]
Combos – Boxes of Tone and Boom
There is a reason the most popular amplifier since the beginning of musical instrument amplification is the ‘combo’. If you’ve never thought about it – that’s ‘combination’ – the combination of an amplifier and speaker(s) in one box… From glorious Fender Tweeds, to the Fender Brown’s and Blacks and crossing over to Magnatones (made right here in STL these days!), Gibson, … [Read more...]
It’s Christmas EVERY DAY at MGR STL
It’s Christmas EVERY DAY at MGR STL… Or whatever flavor you prefer… It’s October - that means a lot of the retail world is starting to spin up and begin advertising for the holidays. And while we often participate in some of those fun shenanigans - we believe it’s always Black Friday and Cyber Monday here… Why? Prices, baby! Yeah man, it’s the cool cash you can save by buying … [Read more...]