It’s Christmas EVERY DAY at MGR STL… Or whatever flavor you prefer… It’s October - that means a lot of the retail world is starting to spin up and begin advertising for the holidays. And while we often participate in some of those fun shenanigans - we believe it’s always Black Friday and Cyber Monday here… Why? Prices, baby! Yeah man, it’s the cool cash you can save by buying … [Read more...]
Instrument Depreciation – It’s a Delicate Topic…
Often when you buy a piece of musical gear; the guitar you’ve always wanted, a drum set you had your heart on, that perfect bass… it is wrapped with emotion. Emotion is priceless. Unfortunately, the market doesn’t typically heed our emotions. The value of what something is worth “used” is subjective to the market: volume, demand, rarity, condition, etc. Our emotions take a … [Read more...]
A Drummers Delight!
One of the benefits of a large store is having large space. And drums can seem to command space. Yes, we all know guitarists who can command space with stacks and pedalboards the size of small refrigerators. But, drums can require serious footprint. And gloriously warranted footprint. Neil - footprint! Terry - footprint! Alex - footprint! Danny - footprint! And the great Bonzo … [Read more...]
Volume. There’s a lot of it here. Not like GC where you have 28 competing metal riffs wafting through the room at cringy levels. Not like that. Not even that kind of volume. I mean, we have plenty of toys that make big volume – and we love ‘em. You love ‘em. We mean numerical volume. ‘Lots of things’ volume. Glass ‘all the way full’ volume. Here at Music Go Round St. Louis … [Read more...]